Mission: To design, develop and implement all the channels of communication and information addressed to AMD members, to the various health care providers in the diabetes and non-diabetes world, to the person with diabetes and to the public.
- Francesco Romeo (Torino)
- Michele Riccio (Napoli)
- Sara Colarusso (Benevento)
- Gemma Frigato (Adria, RO)
- Gabriella Garrapa (Pesaro)
- Marcello Monesi (Ferrara)
- Stefano Parini (Bologna)
- Pier Francesco Pio Tripodi (Reggio Calabria)
External consultants:
- Marina Valenzano (Torino)
- Fabrizio Diacono (Lecce)
Referent for the National Council:
- Fabio Baccetti (Massa Carrara)
External technical consultant:
- Giorgio Mantovani (Infomedica, Torino)