Composizione del gruppo
- Sandro Gentile (Napoli) – Email
Componenti AMD:
- Giorgio Grassi (Torino)
- Gabriella Garrapa (Fano, PU)
- Stefano De Riu (Nocera Inferiore, SA)
- Nicoletta De Rosa (Casoria, NA)
- Laura Tonutti (Udine)
Componenti OSDI:
- Maria Teresa Branca (Lecce)
- Lia Cucco (Pescara)
- Katja Speese (Rovereto, TN)
Referente CDN:
- Amodio Botta (Avellino)
Componenti biennio 2013-2015
Coordinatore: Sandro Gentile (Napoli)
Componenti: Nicoletta De Rosa, Giorgio Grassi, Carlo Lalli, Maria Teresa Marcone, Maurizio Sudano
Consulenti esterni: Luigi Gentile, Annalisa Giancaterini, Patrizio Tatti, Laura Tonutti
Componenti OSDI: Lia Cucco, Giovanni Lo Grasso
Referente CDN: Vincenzo Armentano
Attività del gruppo
Raccomandazioni e survey
Documento di Consenso sul Recepimento Italiano del Forum for Injection Technique and Therapy Expert Recommendations (FITTER) 2015 – con aggiornamenti e integrazioni 2017 – scarica il pdf qui
Aggiornamento e integrazioni a cura del gruppo intersocietario AMD-OSDI sulle Tecniche iniettive – 16/05/2017
AMD-OSDI-SID – Raccomandazioni per una corretta tecnica iniettiva e per la prevenzione delle lipodistrofie e del rischio di punture accidentali (2015)
A cura un tavolo di lavoro di esperti AMD-OSDI-SID
- Versione italiana
- Versione inglese (presto online la nuova versione)
Consensus 2014 AMD-OSDI sulle tecniche iniettive nel soggetto diabetico – scarica il pdf qui.
Survey sulle lipodistrofie 2014
Scarica il report finale della survey sulle lipodistrofie (dati al 10/09/2014) condotta del gruppo: clicca qui.
VI Convegno nazionale Fondazione AMD
Baveno, 23-25 ottobre 2014
- Raccomandazioni sulle terapie iniettive
K. Strauss
- Ruolo educativo del team diabetologico
R. Chiandetti
- Indagine nazionale AMD sulle lipodistrofie
S. Gentile
XIX Congresso nazionale AMD
Roma, 29 maggio – 1 giugno 2013
Collana editoriale AMD
- Unmeet needs della terapia insulinica: l’iniezione d’insulina, ovvero un problema dimenticato
Sandro Gentile, Giuseppina Guarino, Giampiero Marino, Felice Strollo (2017) – Introduzione a cura di Alberto De Micheli
- È disponibile online Diabetology Feature Papers 2022, una Printed Edition of the Special Issue Published in Diabetology, curate da Peter Clifton, che contiene due articoli sulle tecniche iniettive:
- Gentile S, Satta E, Guarino G, and Strollo F; on behalf of the AMD-OSDI Study Group on Injection Technique. Lipodystrophies from Insulin Injection: An Update of the Italian Consensus Statement of AMD-OSDI Study Group on Injection Technique. (disponibile anche in: Diabetology 2023;4:119-127)
- Strollo F, Satta E, Gentile S.Insulin Injection-Related Skin Lipodystrophies: Blemish or Pathology? (disponibile anche in: Diabetology 2022;3:615-619).
- Gentile S, Satta E, Guarino G, Strollo F; on behalf of the AMD-OSDI Study Group on Injection Technique. Lipodystrophies from Insulin Injection: An Update of the Italian Consensus Statement of AMD-OSDI Study Group on Injection Technique. Diabetology 2023;4:119-127.
- Strollo F, Satta E, Borgia L, Gentile S. Insulin-induced lipohypertrophy and factors affecting it in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus: Review of the literature from the past 12 years: An appraisal and extension to adult subjects. WJARR 2023;17(01):596-604.
- Gentile S, Guarino G, Satta E, Romano C, Strollo F. Why 100-Years After the Discovery of Insulin and the Appearance of Insulin-Induced Lipodystrophy: Are We Still Struggling with this Nasty Complication? Diabetes Res Open J. 2022;8(2):23-29.
- Gentile S, Guarino G, Della Corte T, Marino G, Satta E, Pasquarella M, Romano C, Alfrone C, Giordano L, Loiacono F, Capece M, Lamberti R, Strollo F; on behalf of Nefrocenter and Nyx Start-up, AMD-OSDI Study Group on Injection Techniques, and ANIAD. The Economic Burden of Insulin Injection-Induced Lipohypertophy. Role of Education: The ISTERP-3 Study. Adv Ther. 2022 Mar 19. doi: 10.1007/s12325-022-02105-5. Online ahead of print.
- Di Bartolo P, Eckel RH, Strollo S, Gentile S. Hundred-year experience with insulin and lipohypertrophy: An unresolved issue. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2021 Aug;178:108924. doi: 10.1016/j.diabres.2021.108924. Epub 2021 Jun 18.
- Gentile S, Guarino G, Della Corte T, Marino G, Satta E, Pasquarella M, Romano C, Alfrone C, Giordano L, Loiacono F, Capace M, Lamberti R, Strollo F; AMD-OSDI Study Group on Injection Technique; Nefrocenter Research and Nyx Start-Up Study Group. The Durability of an Intensive, Structured Education-Based Rehabilitation Protocol for Best Insulin Injection Practice: The ISTERP-2 Study. Diabetes Ther. 2021 Sep;12(9):2557-2569.
- Gentile S, Satta E, Strollo F, Guarino G, Romano C, Della Corte T, Alfarone C; Study Group AMD-OSDI on Injection Technique, and Nefrocenter Research & Nyx Start-up. Insulin-induced skin lipohypertrophies: A neglected cause of hypoglycemia in dialysed individuals with diabetes. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2021;15:102145.
- Gentile S, Satta E, Capece M, Guarino G, Della Corte T, Romano C, Marino G, Pasquarella M, Alfarone C, Loiacono F, Lamberti R and Strollo F; AMD-OSDI Study Group on Injection Technique and Nefrocenter Research & Nyx Start-Up Study Group. Integrated Approach to Cardio-Vascular Risk in Insulin-Treated People with Diabetes based on the “Heart Project” and on Metabolic Complications Expected from Incorrect Injection Practice-Related Lipohypertrophy. J Diabet Res Rev Rep. 2021;3(3):2-8.
- Gentile S, Guarino G, Cuomo G, Lamberti C, Della Corte T, Stile L.A, Strollo F, and On behalf of AMD-OSDI Injection Technique Study Group and Nefrocenter & Nyx Start-up Study Group. Videocapillaroscopy, Insulin-Induced Skin Lipohypertrophy, and Bruising: A Preliminary Approach. J Diabet Res Rev Rep. 2021;3(2):1-4.
- Gentile S, Guarino G, Della Corte T, Marino G, Satta E, Pasquarella M, Romano C, Alfrone C, Strollo F, on behalf of AMD-OSDI Study Group on Injection Technique, Nefrocenter Research and Nyx Start-Up. Role of Structured Education in Reducing Lypodistrophy and its Metabolic Complications in Insulin-Treated People with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Multicenter Case–Control Study. Diabetes Ther. 2021.
- Gentile S, Guarino G, Della Corte T, Marino G, Satta E, Romano C, Alfrone C, Lmberti C, Strollo F; AMD-OSDI Study Group. Bruising: A Neglected, Though Patient-Relevant Complication of Insulin Injections Coming to Light from a Real-Life Nationwide Survey. Diabetes Ther. 2021 Mar 9. doi: 10.1007/s13300-021-01026-w. Online ahead of print.
- Strollo F, Furia A, Verde P, Bellia A, Grussu M, Mambro A, Petrelli MD, Gentile S. Technological innovation of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) as a tool for commercial aviation pilots with insulin-treated diabetes and stakeholders/regulators: A new chance to improve the directives? Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2021 Feb 01;172:108638.
- Gentile S, Guarino G, Strollo F. A Cry of Pain for Painless Insulin Lipohypertrophy. J Diabet Res Rev ReP. 2020;2(1).
- Gentile S, Guarino G, Della Corte T, Marino G, Fusco A, Corigliano G, Colarusso S, Piscopo M, Improta MR, Corigliano M, Martedi E, Oliva D, Russo V, Simonetti R, Satta E, Romano C, Vaia S, Strollo F; AMD-OSDI Study Group on Injection Techniques; Nefrocenter Network and Nyx Start-up Study Group. Lipohypertrophy in Elderly Insulin-Treated Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Ther. 2020 Nov 21. doi: 10.1007/s13300-020-00954-3. Online ahead of print.
- Gentile S, Guarino G, Strollo F. How to treat improper insulin injection-related lipohypertrophy: A 3-year follow-up of a monster case and an update on treatment. Letter to the Editor. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2020 Nov 9;108534. doi: 10.1016/j.diabres.2020.108534. Online ahead of print.
- Gentile, F. Strollo, E. Satta, T. Della Corte, C. Romano, G. Guarino, on behalf of Nefrocenter Research Study Group: Nephrologists, Diabetologists, Nurses. Insulin-induced lypodistrophy in hemodialyzed patients: A new challenge for nephrologists? Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2019;13(6):3081-4
- Gentile S, Strollo F, Satta E, Della Corte T, Romano C, Guarino G; Nefrocenter Research Study Group: Nephrologists, Diabetologists, Nurses. Insulin-Related Lipohypertrophy in Hemodialyzed Diabetic People: a Multicenter Observational Study and a Methodological Approach. Diabetes Ther. 2019 Jun 20. doi: 10.1007/s13300-019-0650-2. [Epub ahead of print]
- Improta MR, Strollob F, Gentile S; AMD-OSDI Study Group on Injection Technique. Lessons learned from an unusual case of severe hypoglycemia. Diabetes Metab Syndr 2019;13(2):1237-1239
- Gentile, F. Strollo, G. Guarino. Why are so huge differences reported in the occurrence rate of skin lipohypertrophy? Does it depend on method defects or on lack of interest? Diabetes Metab Syndr 2019;13(1):682-686
- Gentile, F. Strollo, T. Della Corte, G. Marino, G. Guarino; on behalf of Italian Study Group on Injection Techniques. Skin complications of insulin injections: A case presentation and a possible explanation of hypoglycaemia S. Diab Res Clin Pract 2018;138:284-287
- Gentile S, Guarino G, Marino G, Strollo F. Risk factors for severe hypoglycemia in people with insulin-treated diabetes: Are we sure we took into account all variables involved? Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2017;27(5):415-416
- Gentile S, Strollo F, Della Corte T, Marino G, Guarino G. Insulin related lipodystrophic lesions and hypoglycemia: Double standards? Diabetes Metab Syndr 2018;12(5):813-818
- Gentile S, Fusco A, Colarusso S, Piscopo M, Improta MR, Corigliano M, Martedi E, Oliva D, Santorelli A, Simonetti R, Giammarco A, Colella C, Miretto L, D’Alessandro A, Russo V, Guarino G, Marino G, Corigliano G, Strollo F. A randomized, open-label, comparative, crossover trial on preference, efficacy, and safety profiles of lispro insulin u-100 versus concentrated lispro insulin u-200 in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a possible contribution to greater treatment adherence. Expert Opin Drug Saf 2018;17(5):445-450
- Fusco A, Colarusso S, Piscopo M, Improta MR, Corigliano M, Martedì E, Oliva D, Santorelli A, Simonetti R, Giammarco A, Colella C, Miretto L, D’Alessandro A, Russo V. Guarino G, Marino G, Strollo F, Corigliano G, Gentile S. Despite being Apparently Equal, Concentrated Lispro-200 Performs Metabolically and Subjectively Better than Lispro-100. Divers and Equal Health and Care 2018;15(2):57-65
- Gentile S, Strollo F; on behalf of the Nefrocenter Research Study Group. Cost saving effects of a short-term educational intervention entailing lower hypoglycaemic event rates in people with type 1 diabetes and lipo-hypertrophy Diab Res Clon Pract 2018;143:220-21
- Gentile S, Guarino G, Martedì, Della Corte E, Strollo F; on behalf of the Italian Study Group on Injection Techniques. Considerations on Lipoatrophic Skin Lesions Far from Insulin Injection Sites. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2018 Jun;140:347-350
- Gentile S, Strollo F, Della Corte T, Guarino G. Insulin related lipodystrophic lesions and hypoglycemia: double standards? Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews. Available online 10 April 2018. In Press, Accepted Manuscript
- Guarino G, Ragozzino G, Della Corte T, Fontana S, Strollo F, Cecaro M, and Gentile S. Selenium Supplementation in Obese Patients with Subclinical Hypothyroidism and Type 2 Diabetes. J Nutri Health Sci 2018;5(2):202
- Gentile S, Strollo F, Della Corte T, Marino G, Guarino G, on behalf of Italian Study Group on Injection Techniques. Skin complications of insulin injections: A case presentation and a possible explanation of hypoglycaemia. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2018;138:284-7
- Gentile S, Guarino G, Marino G, Strollo F. Comment to: Assessment of insulin injection techniques among diabetes patients in a tertiary care centre. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2017 Dec;11 Suppl 2:S1045-S1046
- Strollo F, Gentile S. Comment on the new Indian injection technique recommendations: critical appraisal of the real world implementation of the current guidelines. Diabetes Ther 2017. doi:10.1007/s13300-017-0262-7
- Gentile S, Strollo F, De Rosa N, Grassi G , Lalli C, Lo Grasso G, Marcone TAM, Sudano M, Gentile L, Giancaterini A, Tatti P, Tonutti L, De Riu S, Cucco L, Speese K, Botta A, Armentano V, Chiandetti R, Garrapa G. Injection-Related Local Side Effects in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus: A Methodological Approach and Possible Solutions. Consensus Statement of AMD-OSDI Study Group on Injection Technique Diabetic Complications. Diabetes Ther 2016;7(3):401-9
- Gentile S, Strollo F. Subcutaneus nodules during treatment with exenatide long-actin once-weekly formulation: an ultrasound evaluation. Divers Equal Health Care 2016;13(4):313-318
- Gentile S, Grassi G, Armentano V, Botta A, Cucco L, De Riu S, De Rosa N, Garrapa G, Gentile L, Giancaterini A, Lalli C, Lo Grasso G, Marcone TAM, Chiandetti R, Speese K, Sudano M, Tatti P, Tonutti L, Branca MT and Strollo F. AMD-OSDI Consensus on Injection Techniques for People with Diabetes Mellitus. Med Clin Rev. 2016, 2:3 doi: 10.21767/2471-299X.1000034
- Frid AH, Kreugel G, Grassi G, Halimi S, Hicks D, Hirsch LJ, Smith MJ, Wellhoener R, Bode BW, Hirsch IB, Kalra S, Ji L, Strauss KW. New Insulin Delivery Recommendations. Mayo Clin Proc. 2016;91(9):1231-1255
- Strollo F, Guarino G, Armentano V, Clemente G, Martedì E, De Riu S, Gaeta I, Corigliano G, Ceriello A, Gentile S; on behalf of AMD-OSDI Italian Study Group on Injection Techniques. Unexplained hypoglycaemia and large glycaemic variability: skin lipohypertrophy as a predictive sign. Diabetes Res Open J 2016; 2(1):24-32
- Gentile S, Strollo F, Ceriello A, on behalf of the AMD-OSDI Injection Technique Study Group. Lipodystrophy in Insulin-Treated Subjects and Other Injection-Site Skin Reactions: Are We Sure Everything is Clear? Diabetes Ther 2016. doi:10.1007/s13300-016-0187-6
- Gentile S, Strollo F, Ceriello A. Insulin treatment in people with diabetes mellitus and chronic liver disease. Annals of Hepatology 2016;15(2):287-288
- Gentile S, Guarino G, Strollo F, Romano M, Genovese S, Masarone M, Ceriello A. Lispro insulin in people with non-alcoholic liver cirrhosis and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2016;113:179-186
- Gentile S, Strollo F, Guarino G, Giancaterini A, Ames PRJ, Speese K, Guida P, Strauus K. Factors Hindering Correct Identification of Unapparent Lipohypertrophy. J Diabetes Metab Disord Control 2016, 3(2):00065
- Gentile S, Strollo F, Ceriello A. Insulin Shot Dependent Lipodystrophy: Evidence, Uncertainties and Current Terminology Overlaps. J Diabetes Metab Disord Control 2016;3(2):00065
- Gentile S, Strollo F, Ceriello A. Lipodistrophy and associated risk factors in insulin treated people with diabetes. Int J Endocrinol Metab 2016;14(2):e33997
- Gentile S, Guarino G, Giancaterini A, Guida P, Strollo F, and AMD-OSDI Italian Injection Technique Study Group. Suitable palpation technique allows to identify skin lipohypertrophic lesions in insulin treated people with diabetes. Springerplus 2016;5:563
- Gentile S, Strollo F, Ceriello A, on behalf of the AMD-OSDI Injection Technique Study Group. Lipodystrophy in Insulin-Treated Subjects and Other Injection-Site Skin Reactions: Are We Sure Everything is Clear? Diabetes Therapy 2016 (first online):1-9
- Guarino G, Della Corte T, Sofia M, Carbone L, Marino G, Martedì E, Gentile S. Metabolic effects of the association Berberis aristata/Silybum marianum: a preliminary double-blind, placebo-controlled study in obese patients with type 2 diabetes. Nutrafoods 2015;14(4):181-188
- Documento di consenso su “Gestione e utilizzo dei sistemi iniettivi dell’insulina in ospedale”
Il Giornale di AMD 2015;18:2S:4-20, maggio 2015
- Poster “Far bene l’insulina fa bene” – 27 gennaio 2015
- “Gruppo Terapia iniettiva – Attività 2013-2014”
Evento NICE, Firenze, 9-10 marzo 2015