
Le Breaking News di colore verde sono relative a linee-guida, consensus, statement ecc.

Giugno 14, 2013 Riccardo Raneri

Moderate alcohol use and health: A consensus document

A. Poli, F. Marangoni, A. Avogaro, G. Barba, S. Bellentani, M. Bucci, R. Cambieri, A.L. Catapano, S. Costanzo, C. Cricelli, G. de Gaetano, A. Di Castelnuovo, P. Faggiano, F. Fattirolli, L. Fontana, G. Forlani, S. Frattini, R. Giacco, C. La Vecchia, L. Lazzaretto, L. Loffredo, L. Lucchin, G. Marelli, W.…


Maggio 29, 2013 Riccardo Raneri

Inpatient Glycemic Control

Best Practice Advice From the Clinical Guidelines Committee of the American College of Physicians Amir Qaseem, Roger Chou, Linda L. Humphrey, Paul Shekelle, for the Clinical Guidelines Committee of the American College of Physicians


Marzo 18, 2013 Riccardo Raneri

Recommendations for Standardizing Glucose Reporting and Analysis to Optimize Clinical Decision Making in Diabetes: The Ambulatory Glucose Profile (AGP)

Richard M. Bergenstal, Andrew J. Ahmann, Timothy Bailey, Roy W. Beck, Joan Bissen, Bruce Buckingham, Larry Deeb, Robert H. Dolin, Satish K. Garg, Robin Goland, Irl B. Hirsch, David C. Klonoff, Davida F. Kruger, Glenn Matfin, Roger S. Mazze, Beth A. Olson, Christopher Parkin, Anne Peters, Margaret A. Powers, Henry…
